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The game itself hardly needs explanation, but here are some general hints:

There are 12 types of powerups/downs.

At some level in the game one or more bubbles will enter the game. When hit your ball will instantly change direction.

A unique feature is the energy bar. Every time you pick up a powerup (or powerdown) the energy bar charges fully. During play the energy slowly drops and once it's depleted your powers go with it.

There are 40 unique maps with 5 levels of difficulty. After playing all maps on a difficulty levels you will start over at a more difficult level. Even though you can choose a new game at only 5 levels the difficulty will keep increasing during gameplay.

You can be play with either a mouse or a keyboard (which makes it more difficult).


The following downloads are available.

Windows Windows x86 1.4 MB download
Linux Linux x86 1.2 MB download
Linux Linux x64 1.3 MB download


Screenshot 1